Magic City Morning Star - "November 2nd Voters Will Find Their Voice' Says Jason

News Article

Date: Oct. 14, 2010

According to the Levesque for Congress Campaign, in a few weeks time Jason Levesque will give the people of Maine's 2nd Congressional District an opportunity to bring their own voices back to Congress.

Since announcing last summer that he was running for Congress he has travelled across the district listening to the voices of the voters. According to Mr. Levesque, listening to the voters is not something which congressman Michaud does well, judging by his past voting performance.

* "I have spoken to so many people and listened to their interests and let me tell you--people are frustrated" he said. They are frustrated at the outrageous spending and poor legislation and they are frustrated they have been ignored. Mike Michaud has voted with Nancy Pelosi 96% of the time. That is who Mike represents and the people know it and are tired of it. They want and deserve a voice in Congress and I am fighting hard to be the person who carries that voice."

Mr. Levesque says that in this past term, Mike Michaud has voted on the trillion dollar, job-killing health care bill, the trillion on a stimulus package that failed to deliver on its promise that it would stimulate job growth, and voted for an energy tax bill that would cost Maine families $1800 each.

"These bills Mike has supported are bad bills and have and will continue to harm Maine families. In four weeks, I believe the voters will make a decision to make things better in Maine, by making things better in Congress," he said.

Mr. Levesque has announced that he has the support of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan [1st district, elected 1998]. Congressman Ryan is a renowned budget hawk who has been fighting for years to curb out of control spending and balance the budget.

Congressman Ryan is reported to have said that he looks forward to working with Jason in the House of Representatives.

* "We need re-enforcements in Congress to cut spending and prevent tax increases on individuals and small businesses, I know that Jason will join me in those fights and be a watchdog of taxpayers' money. We need more votes like Jason's in Congress and I'd be proud to work alongside him."

Jason Levesque says that he is honored to have Congressman Ryan's endorsement.

* "We are of the same mind that we cannot buy our way out of this jobs crisis. We must instead create an environment for people and businesses that allow them to increase their work force. My opponent, Mike Michaud has failed the people of Maine with his votes to support failed spending programs such as the stimulus and job-killing health care law. He has chosen to support Nancy Pelosi 96% of the time instead of supporting the people who elected him.
* I look forward to working with Congressman Ryan to bring some fiscal sanity and accountability back to Congress and thank him for his support and guidance through this process."
